The last few weeks have been exceptionally busy (as in, what does “weekend” mean?) for us... Director Fernando Arrioja shot five Budweiser spots for LatinWorks in Los Angeles, proving that cold beer and L.A. weather are a perfect mix. The Cortez Brothers' family friend LuÍs Gerard shot a Banco Popular spot for Group Films in Long Beach, bringing Spanish flags, Los Angeles Lakers center Pau Gasol and basketball fans together in suprising ways. Meanwhile, our own Magaby GarcÍa shot both Splenda and Lactaid spots for La Agencia de Orci in Mexico City - and this is one of the few times we can say a spot was "sww---eet!" and mean it.
The Storytelling Department lent creative consulting expertise to the upcoming trailer campaign for IRON MAN, our absolutely favorite feature film of the summer. We landed another new gig with some good old friends across town, and we'll be helping Spanish- AND English-speaking fans get a fix of the Disney magic. We provided analysis and notes on two international and two domestic feature film scripts and have three more on the way, all of them Latin-tinged and awfully fun to write.
Also on the creative side, director Martin Romanella just solidified co-production on his feature CIUDADES DORMITORIO, via Propeller Films in Germany, Ginga Eleven in Brazil and Lita Stantic Producciones in his native Argentina. The script was a Hubert Bals award-winner at the Rotterdam International Film Festival, and scooped up awards by the Argentinean Film Council as well. He's currently at work developing a feature script entitled KEEMA that we're all exceptionally excited to see brought to life...