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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

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Monday, April 12, 2010

Wow, what a Spring! We really hit the pavement over the last month, shooting projects and chasing film premieres in Buenos Aires, Los Angeles, Hawaii, Atlanta and Dallas. We are happy to report that we returned from Uruguay with a newfound appreciation for filmmakers there (like our own Fede Alvarez) and for the country as a whole.

Closer to home in Santa Monica, we also moderated a workshop at the National Association of Latino Independent Producers' conference entitled "The Secret to Making 30-Second Feature Films: Commercial Production for Fun, Experience and (Mostly) Profit."

We give a big tip of the hat to our director Cole Webley, since he is a finalist for Boards Magazine's Eleventh Annual First Boards Awards. Boards doesn't mention that he's a red-headed fluent Spanish-speaker (by way of the Dominican Republic), but we will.

On the Storytelling side we welcome the very talented and brilliant writer Sierra Hall to our team, and give a kudos and lots of love to writer/directors Aaron Burns (of the upcoming film "Blacktino," to be produced by Elizabeth Avell
รกn and shot in Texas) and Carlos Rincones (of the upcoming film "Malaventura," currently casting in Mexico).

Finally, we welcome Uruguayan director Guillermo Carbonell to our team. If you happen to read Spanish you can learn more about him in this interview here, and if you don't -- well, you're just going to have to trust us when we tell you that he has worked all over South America and Mexico and we are excited to add someone as talented as he is to our roster.