HARGA : Rp.80.000 UKURAN : ALL SIZE (M) KODE BAJU : KLP (untuk lengan panjang ) hubungi : 085718231737


HARGA : Rp.80.000 UKURAN : ALL SIZE (M) KODE BAJU : KMP (untuk lengan pendek ) hubungi : 085718231737


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HARGA : Rp.80000 UKURAN : ALL SIZE (M) KODE BAJU :JKM (untuk merah ) hubungi : 085718231737

bantu di vote ya

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Hey, look! A movie poster with our logo on it. You can catch "Sin Ella" in Mexico at the end of this month; we were happy to help produce it, and even happier to see so many award-winning Mexican and Spanish stars bring it to life. Thank you Buena Vista International, thank you Miravista, and thank you director Jorge Colon for this little gem of a drama.

Monday, October 11, 2010

There's nothing we like more than sharing good news about our directors, and this month we have two accolades to share.

First, kudos to the fantastic Nelson Cabrera for taking home silver at AHAA for his very funny MTV spot (you can read more in Ad Age about it here). That was thanks to the creative minds at Miami's La Comunidad agency.

Second, Angel Gracia finally and wonderfully has a trailer for his feature film debut, "From Prada to Nada."

Friday, October 8, 2010

Xrev Revit API Tools

Great News!

Our new Xrev website goes live next week.

it will also be accessible from

Checkout Xrev Transmit! Our Revit issuing tool to take the pain out of issuing drawings whether it be hard copies, digital copies or both, as well as managing your transmittals... LEVERAGE ALL THAT INFORMATION IN YOUR REVIT MODEL for generating the transmittal rather than having to reproduce it in your file names and transmittal documents...

Soon to follow are:

Xrev Sheets
Xrev Transmit PRO

Making a completely parametric mobile crane - Final

Hi Everyone,

Again, sincere apologies for the delay in updates.  Please watch the below 3 videos for the final explanation of how I went about making this family.  Comments always welcome and any recommendations for what people what me to show next.
