As fall kicks in one of the newest members of our Cortez, Jr. roster gets a whole heap of airtime on Showtime. . . Writer/director Carlos V. Gutierrez's film ESCONDIDO will play on the cable channel throughout the entire month (and OnDemand as well). Mexican Director Simón Bross' BAD HABITS is stateside again, playing at the 11th Annual Los Angeles Latino International Film Festival at the Arclight in Hollywood. Director Fernando Arrioja is shooting an AT&T spot for Bravo Miami, featuring more than a few superstars from Latin TV. Finally, we welcome Buenos Aires-based directing team Plástico to the Cortez Brothers family. Alejandro Ruax y Ramiro Martínez, respectively, bring sleek production skills and graphic design/sound design/intricate shooting experience to the table, all of which can be seen in their award-winning work for clients like Peugeot, Miller, Nike and Mazda.
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