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Thursday, July 22, 2010

Revit 2011 - Creating a Parametric Shade Sail using Adaptive Components

In this video I'll demonstrate how something can be easily made very parametric using adaptive components for a tension structure such as a shade sail.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Why can't I see this element??!

Arggh, there is nothing worse than trying to find why an element isn't visible in a view, so many different potential causes that need to be checked.  I thought I'd put a little bit of a checklist together:

  1. Is the view "Discipline" set correctly?  For example if your view is accidentally or purposelly set to Structural the wall may not be showing because its non-bearing...
  2. Is the view range set correctly to see the particular element?  I'll often switch to my 3D view and orientate it to match the view, if I can't see it in the 3D view its most likely a view range issue.
  3. Is the element in the correct phase and is an appropriate phase filter set in the view to make it visible.  Maybe someone set it in a future phase?
  4. Can you see the element by enabling "Reveal Hidden Elements"?  If so, select it and select unhide element or unhide category.  Try not to use the Override element or hide in view options...
  5. Is the element in a worset that isn't open or turned on in the view?
  6. Is there a filter applied to the view that is causing the element to be hidden?
  7. Has someone used the linework tool on the element?
  8. If its a family, is the detail level of the view set correctly?  Sometimes families are set not to show at Coarse.
  9. If its a family, has someone selected the geometry of the element not to show in plan, section/elevation as the case maybe?
  10. Maybe the view has been created as a detail view?  By default certain categories aren't visible in a detail view...  As such change to a standard section.
  11. Is the element part of a design option and perhaps that isn't the current option for that particular view?
  12. Is there a plan region in the view that is adjust the view range settings incorrectly for the area in question?
  13. If its a datum, is the 3d extents of the datum intersecting the view?
  14. If its a section/elevation marker, check the "hide at scales coarser than" parameter to ensure its set appropriately to show.
  15. Is it part of a linked revit or dwg file?  Ensure that the link is loaded...
I think there are a few more, but that's all i can think of off the top of my head.  Feel free to post comments of any additional ones you think of and I'll add them.


I know this can do my head in sometimes!

Revit Sheet Management & Issuing Painful?

Who finds editing sheet/titleblock information tedious and slow?

What about adding consultant sheets and mass sheet lists into your project one at a time, what a pain...

Not to mention the issue process of exporting DWG, DWF/PDF, Hard Copies, file naming, uploading to online systems such as Team Binder/Aconex/IrisProjectMinder etc.  Prone to human error and so repetitious!

Filling out transmittals/repeating data entry multiple times, yuk...

Certainly don't want to have to manage tonnes of shared parameters and a difficult setup process!

Need a simple solution that's easy to use?

Well very soon we will be releasing our first amazing Revit enhancement bound to drastrically improve your productivity and sanity!

Stay tuned!

PS.  Post any special requests and we'll see what we can do :)  Also, add this blog to your Revit communication centre by using this RSS feed:

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Making a completely parametric mobile crane - Overview

This video runs through the introduction and overview of how the family is setup.  If there are specific topics you'd like me to address in more detail please comment.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Making a completely parametric mobile crane

Throughout July I will be posting a series of videos demonstrating how I went about making this 150T parametric mobile crane.

The crane has:
  • Adjustable materials
  • Adjustable rotation
  • Adjustable extension
  • Adjustable support extensions
  • Adjustable boom angle
  • Adjustable cable drop/automatically stays perpendicular to the ground.
We will look at how we can add jigs, rules to stop the crane overextending/tipping.  I am interesting in any crane experts posting limitations they'd want to impose as I'm going on very limited knowledge of cranes so the values I use may not be correct, but the principles will be the same.