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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Revit Sheet Management & Issuing Painful?

Who finds editing sheet/titleblock information tedious and slow?

What about adding consultant sheets and mass sheet lists into your project one at a time, what a pain...

Not to mention the issue process of exporting DWG, DWF/PDF, Hard Copies, file naming, uploading to online systems such as Team Binder/Aconex/IrisProjectMinder etc.  Prone to human error and so repetitious!

Filling out transmittals/repeating data entry multiple times, yuk...

Certainly don't want to have to manage tonnes of shared parameters and a difficult setup process!

Need a simple solution that's easy to use?

Well very soon we will be releasing our first amazing Revit enhancement bound to drastrically improve your productivity and sanity!

Stay tuned!

PS.  Post any special requests and we'll see what we can do :)  Also, add this blog to your Revit communication centre by using this RSS feed:


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